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A collaborative software that supports fashion brands to manage looks across different platforms and channels

In the fashion industry, the process of creating collection looks is complex, chaotic and spread on different tools..

We have worked to make this process more streamlined, effective and time-saving

immagine di background Stylefeed

A collaboration software tailored to support fashion brands in the creation, management and distribution of styles

Enjoy a seamless workflow while coding products, crafting final looks or defining clusters for targeted outcomes, like commercial catalogues. Let anyone be on the same page at every stage of the process and experience complete flexibility, even when it comes to manage your e-commerce

mockup software di creazione lookbook
mockup software di creazione lookbook

Create new looks just selecting the related products and associate media files to the look.
Or code an existing look highlighting related products with a smart search. Once looks are coded, simply set a new Feed to distribute information to eCommerce, ERP or any other platform.

Code it once,
feed it everywhere!

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